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Tuesday, August 13, 2013

A Case Of Redemption

Author:  Adam Mitzner
A Case of RedemptionGenre:   Suspense Fiction
Pages:  Hardcover
Publisher:  Simon & Schuster
Reviewer:  Virginia Armstrong
Rating:  7.5

Rap star Legally Dead is charged with brutally killing his girlfriend.  The proof is in his lyrics.  Or at least that’s what the prosecution believes.   The rapper insists he innocent. 

 Dan Sorenson is an attorney who is out of work by his own choice.  Since his wife and daughter's deaths, he chooses scotch over practicing the law.  When his friend’s sister, Nina approaches him about taking on a new client, he is reluctant.  As far as he’s concerned, he believes as does the prosecution.  The song says it all.

With some cajoling on Nina’s part, Dan finally agrees to represent the accused.  Setting aside the scotch, he dives into the investigation, feeling his life coming back to him.  All the while, he remembers the last case he’d taken on.  The part he’d had in it.  The guilt he still felt.  The last thing he wanted or needed was to repeat the same mistake.

Soon, he finds himself in a plot of twists and turns filled with deception and a case of he said/she said.

A Case of Redemption is two-fold, not only for the rapper, but for Dan Sorenson as well as he tries to free himself of the guilt from a prior case.  The story is well written, keeping the reader guessing who did it.  Then, for a brief time, it appears the author begins to slack because the reader has it all figured out, and then; Wham! Adam Mitzner hits you with a surprise punch in the end.

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